Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Bread Pudding

Simplest of all pudding, made with easily available items, prepared when guests arrives in short notice.

  1. Bread loafs- 3
  2. Milk- 2 cup
  3. Sugar- 4 tablespoon
  4. Cardamom, powdered- 1 teaspoon
  5. Vanilla essence- 1 teaspoon
  6. Egg- 2
  7. Raisins and cashews -for garnishing
  1. Cut the brown edges of the bread and soak them in milk for 10 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile beat the eggs well
  3. Add sugar,powdered cardamom,vanilla essence and mix well till sugar dissolves.
  4. Add the soaked bread along with milk and combine the mixture well.
  5. Add the raisins and cashews keeping a few aside.
  6. Pour them to a small bowl and pressure cook without weight for 20-30 mins
  7. Insert a skewer into the pudding to see if its cooked completely(It would come clean)
  8. Remove from fire, cool and refrigerate.

Serve the cold bread pudding on hot summer days! it serves the purpose.

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