Friday, February 4, 2011

Egg Cheese Sandwich

Another variety from the sandwich family!

  1. Bread- 4
  2. Egg- 2
  3. Onion- 1/2, cut into small wedges
  4. Tomato- 1,small,chopped fine
  5. Salt- 3/4 teaspoon
  6. Pepper- 1 teaspoon
  7. Oil- 2 teaspoon
  8. Grated cheese- 1 tablespoon
  1. Cut the edges of the bread and keep aside.
  2. Heat oil in a pan, saute onion ,tomatoes for a while.
  3. Break the eggs into the pan and add salt,pepper stir well till dry.
  4. Throw in the grated cheese on the bread loafs and arrange bhe prepared egg mix onto it. 
  5. Put some more cheese on top,cover with another bread loaf and microwave for a min.
  6. Repeat the same with the remaining.
  7. Serve hot!

Simple egg sandwich is ready! Enjoy eating sandwich

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